Scientific review of Azerbaijan State University of Economics

Clusterization of economic regions of Azerbaijan and evaluation of mutual relationships of socio-economic development indicators

F. J. Mammadov, G. F. Rahimli, T. Suleymanlı

The main purpose of the study is to assess the socio-economic development of the economic regions of Azerbaijan. The research was carried out based on research methods such as comparative analysis and econometric modeling. As a result of the study, the clusterization of the economic regions of Azerbaijan on the main deve-lopment indicator was carried out, as well as mutual relationships of the indicators characterizing the socio-economic development of individual economic regions were estimated based on correlation-regression analysis. Limitations of the study: to require more extensive practical information. The practical significance of the research study is that the results obtained can be used to analyze the development of individual regions, as well as in the implementation of regional policy.

Keywords: regions, classification, socio-economic development, correlation-regression analysis, sustainable development.

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