Scientific review of Azerbaijan State University of Economics



 ( quarterly scientific and practical)


  1. Articles are accepted in Azerbaijani, English and Russian.
  2. Article parameters: A4 format; spacing – 1,5; font – Times New Roman; font size -14; justified; Margins: left: 30 mm, right: 15 mm, top: 25 mm and bottom: 20 mm; paragraph indentation: 10 mm.
  3. Article format: 1. The title of the article (capital letters, bold); 2. Author name, middle name and last name (the authors should be separated by comma); 3. Scientific name, scientific degree, position; 4. Workplace: name of department, faculty, university; 5. E-mail; 6. Mobile number of corrospendent author.
  4. The volume of the article should not be less than 10 pages and not more than 20 pages. An article should include: Abstract (should be submitted in all three languages, see Appendix 1), Keywords (separated by a semicolon, no more than 5 words), JEL-codes, Introduction, the main body (materials and methods, Literature review), Conclusions, References.
  5. Abstracts should be submitted in Azerbaijani, English and Russian. Each abstract should include the title of the article, information about the author and keywords in the appropriate language. The optimal volume of the abstract is 150 words (no more than 250 words). The abstract should provide information on the purpose, methodology, results and practical relevance of the research. Its content should be relevant to the content of the article, significant enough, understandable and, most importantly, interesting.
  6. All graphics and diagrams must be editable (* .jpeg, * .gif, * .png, * .bmp are not accepted). All graphics and diagrams should be numbered (Diagram 1, Diagram 2, etc.). The number and name of the graphics and diagrams should be written at the bottom and center (for example: Diagram 1. The name of the diagram). Any graphics and diagrams should give the same amount of information, both in color and in black and white.
  7. The tables should be placed in the article itself. The number and name of the table should be written at the top of the table (at center) (for example: Table 3. The name of the table).
  8. If subheadings are used in the article, only the first letter should be capitalized, bold and numbered. An additional line space should be left before the headings and subheadings, tables and figures. Words in the text should not be hyphenated in order to separate them onto two lines.
  9. In conclusions, the importance of the application of the research, its economic efficiency, prospects for future research, etc. should be clearly stated according to the nature of the scientific field of the article.
  10. In-text citations should include author surname and publication year: As noted by Lotfi-Zadeh (Lotfi-Zadeh, 2016) …, for sources with two authors, both surnames and year, and for sources with three or more authors, the surname of the first author followed by the abbreviation “et al.” should be used.
  11. A list of references should be written in alphabetical order, and the list should include at least 10 references. It is desirable to refer to the publications of recent 5-10 years. Articles published in Scopus and Web of science databases should be preferred. Information about an article should be written in the following order (according to standart APA): Author surname, author name, year, the title of the article, the title of the journal, volume/ number/ issue, page. To refer to online data sources, the link and the retrieval date should be included. Normative documents should be listed at the beginning of the list.
  12. Articles should be orijinal and should not have been previously published in other natioanl or international journals.
  13. A submitted article is first reviewed technically. It is then forwarded for blind peer review by the Reviewers and, after screened for plagiarism, it is recommended by the members of the editorial board, and the article is published.
  14. If your article meets the above requirements of the journal, send your article to the email [email protected].